Thursday, April 12, 2012

~wonder mom~

Are you laughing as hard as I am?

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Jolie said...

oh i'm not laughing.....
i'm pumping my fist in the air with all seriousness saying 'hell yeah!! SO SOME STUFF FOR ME!!!'

Jolie said...

DO...not SO
well that error just took all the seriousness out of my fist pump didn't it?!!

susie said...

I'm laughing and thinking of all the ladies on facebook who do a post something like this: I've done 6 loads of laundry, cleaned bathrooms, ran 10 miles, and baked a pie and it's not even 8 a.m.! So here's what I say to them: Screw you....I haven't done a damn thing, still in my p.j.'s and it's 9 a.m. :)

Melissa said...

Well ya, Paula. That's what I think about you! Not that I expect you to be "wonder woman", but I am truly impressed and inspired by your nurturing and playful mothering, and your crafty, fashionable, creative twist on EVERYTHING. You could give people life makeovers! And mine sure could use one! lol.

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