Thursday, October 18, 2012

~kids halloween craft-Q-tip skeletons~

There's a blog that is solely dedicated to projects
found on Pinterest that when tried to replicate
I don't know what the site address is and I don't
have the time right now to find it to share.....
but it does exist-take my word for it.
Not only does it exist, it is HILARIOUS!

This Halloween project I did with the kids the other day
is actually one that was a complete success.
 You can find the pin on Pinterest by clicking here
The blog is Busy Bee Kids Crafts.
The only things we did differently was gluing 
it to foam sheets instead of construction paper.
We also used a piece of felt and googly eyes for the
head instead of painting it on.   

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Jolie said...

I love the skeleton people who look like they are break dancing!!!!
too cute!

Shan @ Design Gal said...

I love this! It's been WAY too long since I did something crafty! You're inspiring me!

colleen said...

The site is pinstosity. It I so funny I once was reading some at night and woke up Jeff because I was laughing so hard the bed was shaking.

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