Thursday, August 30, 2012

~first day of school interviews~

My little guy started Kindergarten on Monday.
We are trying to settle into a new schedule
and it's proving to be tricky and exhausting.
Honestly, I think it's the emotional part of
it that's making me exhausted. I thought I
was going to have a panic attack Monday, 
taking him to school. The days and months and years
of just being at home with him, doing what we want
have FLOWN BY. I can't believe we are already
at this point. 

I knew I wanted to do something 
special for his first day of school but couldn't 
come up with anything myself. 
I was browsing on Positively Splendid blog and
came across these free printables.

First Day of School Interviews.
She has them for every grade.
You can click (here) to check it out for yourself.

We filled it in that morning before school 
and I will put it in his folder for his 2012-2013
 school year mementos. I also marked his height
on our growth chart, another 
tradition I plan on doing each year.
If you haven't seen my growth chart, 
you can check it out (here).
(The pics and tutorial are real primitive-WARNING.
It's one of my first.)

I walked him into the school and acknowledged
in my head that it was time to surrender some of 
the control of who and what influences are
in his life on a daily basis.
Now I'm working on convincing my heart..... 
"Go confidently in the direction of 
your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
~Henry David Thoreau

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