Thursday, October 14, 2010

~giddy-up horsey~

For about the past year EJ has been using any
mop, broom, duster, etc. as a "giddy-up horsey".
Although I can go up to the dollar store and buy one
for a buck, I thought a home-made horsey would be
much cuter and probably more sturdy....
and also a good birthday gift for his upcoming birthday.

I spent about a month just looking for a pattern,
thinking one would be easy to come by.
Good Luck with that!
My Mom made us some when we were kids and
I was hoping she still had the pattern lying around somewhere.
She didn't.
Fabric store didn't have a pattern.
I went with the next best option.....
the Internet of course.

I found the instructions on the Family Fun website
and this is what I came up with.

It's made out of an old pair of my jeans.
Super easy.
Cheap....used supplies I already had (felt, jeans, stuffing).
yarn ($2), a dowel ($1), rope ($2).

I decided to make a gun holster for him to go with it since
he is always just sticking his toy guns in the waistband
of his little underwear or pants.
The holster was also made out of material that I have
had in my stash for years and years.
I totally winged it....just traced his toy guns
and went to town with the scissors.

I borrowed my friends daughter for the pics but
I'm pretty sure it will look just as cute on a boy.
I can't wait to give it to him....I think he's gonna like it.
Plus-not bad for $5 eh?

You can find the instructions for this here.

Linking up with Positively Splendid
Kojo Designs


Peach said...

I think I recognize those jeans!

susie said...

So Freakin' cute! I love it and so will he! Did you make him a Sheriff badge too?

Jolie said...

Randy and I are freakin impressed and in love with this horse and the gun belt!!! have a unique talent!!!! I am proud of you for displaying your works and WE back you a gazillion percent to pursue making a deserved living off of your heart and sew'l creations!!!
i would pay $50 for the both....
in fact we need to talk.....
I know you have sooooo much time on your hands with Baby G coming...but I want to buy a gun belt for Cash...ya know, when you get a minute :)

Allie said...

I just saw this on Positively Splendid. So cute!! Seriously great job. Pinned. :)

Irum@dubaicraftermom said...

EXCELLENT. JUST PERFECT. I am definatly making it today.... familyfun version is good, but yourz is wayyyyy better then that.

Good going girl.

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