Thursday, February 13, 2014

~Valentines for kids and Wire Heart Bangle Bracelet~

 It's possible that my creativity level is at
an all time low right now. 
Total bummer because making our Valentines each year
is usually a highlight for me.
For my son's Valentines I completely relied
on Pinterest for a little copy cat action. 

After pinning a few and showing them to my 
little guy, this is the one he chose to make for 
his class: 
Isn't it adorable? There's a free download/printable
for this and you can find it (HERE) at

We intended to do this for the whole class
but unfortunately when my printer got low
on ink, we had to come up with another
Valentine's game plan. 

We did this:
I made the note myself but I found the
idea for this Valentine at "Paging Supermom"...(HERE).

If we hadn't already done the Yoda Valentines we
would have done this for all the boys instead.
So-half the boys are getting Yoda-the other
half are getting the paratroopers.

The girls are getting this:

I got this free printable (HERE) at
Living, Loving, Learning Naturally. 
For the girls we attached a heart shaped ring pop
because.....duh-A girl's gotta get her some
jewelry for Valentine's Day....and her birthday....
and Christmas....and anniversaries....

On that note....
this is what I made for his teacher:

 Simple little heart bangles in contrasting metals.
She can wear each one alone or stack them.

They were super easy and I like the simplicity
of them. Guess what I'll also be making 
myself for Valentines? 

Hope your Valentine's Day is filled 
with lots of love and happiness.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

~Handmade Wire Swirl Rings~

 Sometimes my favorite creations happen when
I'm sitting with my supplies, pre-occupied with 
a phone conversation or something else and
I just start tinkering around. 
Like these: the rings I made for a few of my girlfriends
for Christmas gifts. 
It all started with this ring:
 I loved it so much I decided to go ahead 
and make a couple more. 
They literally took like 10 minutes to make.

They aren't the sturdiest or best quality and
they will for sure turn the finger green if 
they get wet. I don't want to buy high quality (expensive)
wire until I get my technique down better. 
I've made a few more since these and I get
a little better with each one. I'd love to learn 
how to spell out words or names with the wire. 

I go thru phases with my jewelry making. 
Right now I'm in a wire phase. I love all the
different ways it can be manipulated and transformed. 
Wait till you see the beautiful bracelets I
made with wire to go with these rings......
next time.
Hopefully within 2 months time but I wouldn't hold
your breath......just in case. 

Happy 2014 Heart-and-Sew'l Readers!
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